I am just watching the flag wave,
Silently, I stand and wait
I love the wind, the fluttering fabric winks at me.
As it twirls around the pole, my breath stops.
Don't Don't. I must free the flag from it's hold. A straitjacket wrapped tightly around it's holder.
Don't Don't Don't, the flag must stay on the wall. NO NO.
I was not going to hurt you. I would not hit you. Autism doesn't mean that I am a danger.
I just love how the flag waves at me. It waves everyday, whether you do or not. It assumes the welcome I crave and the good bye I see. Even when you don't.
I would have done you no harm. Not to you or the flag.
I am sorry. I will still watch the flag. Now, you must take care of it yourself. I understand.